View Full Version : American going up up up! And misc. other stuff

05-11-2005, 01:42 PM
Well the "A" is flowing at 4,980 cfs at the moment and I read somewhere that it is going up to 6,000 cfs. Look at it this way, with the flows this high it must be good for something! Well maybe just the fish. :( I can't take these high waters anymore, I'm gonna hit Adam's Bluegill farm with him on Friday for a warm-up for my trip to the East Cape on Sat. I figure with the size of the Bluegill Adam has been posting it should get me in great shape for those Dorado, Yellowfin, and Roosters down South. :D Reports to follow, hopefully positive ones! (Bill were those poppers I bought yesterday really quaranteed!) :lol:

This cold weather put the surface bite off at my Pet Bass pond. Had to resort to some plastics wormies yesterday to get bit. Hopefully this warm weather will get the surface activity going agian. I think I'll go give a try right now! Good Fishing to all!

05-11-2005, 06:09 PM
Plastic worms?!? Mike, please tell me you meant a plastic worm IMITATION. . . . Or, at least tell me you strapped it to the hook with fly tying thread. . . . :lol: Can't wait to see those bluegill pictures from this coming Friday. 8) :D

05-11-2005, 07:12 PM
I'm sorry Mike, I'm so embarrased! :oops:

05-11-2005, 08:05 PM
Ah, I'm just kidding around with you, of course. Truth be told, it was sight-fishing for largemouth bass with plastic worms in Laredo, Texas back in the early 70's that hooked me on these critters for life. :D

05-11-2005, 08:18 PM
Yea, I know you were just giving me the business. I would hope to get some bashing posting something like that on FF Board. :lol: Oh well I grew out of the die hard stage a few years ago. Actually quite a few years ago. I suppose I'm just a fisherman that uses a flyrod most of the time.

05-11-2005, 08:36 PM
MSP...Plastic worms be damned!!! Have you tried this...Purple Chenille in purple, large cut, not medium or small...Tie on a length to a size 10 and for the head/thorax area build up some peacock herl, or some cross cut rabbit strip(purple)...I know someone who SWEARS that this will out-perform plastic worms any day of the week...Thom

05-11-2005, 08:39 PM
Mike, I think you've touched on something there. . . . You know, you hear talk on various fly fishing boards to the effect of how enlightened it is to fish with fly tackle, as compared to conventional gear. But then, I recently read a line in a book (I don't remember who or which but it might have been a Gierach book), that defined a born fisherman as one who'd be willing to fish for anything using any kind of fishing gear. I think there's truth to that. All I know is, if they outlawed fly fishing tomorrow, I'd be terribly disappointed, but I wouldn't skip a beat. :lol: (Jeez, I hope saying that out loud doesn't get me banned from good company. :lol: )

05-11-2005, 08:42 PM
Thom, didn't realize you were posting, ha. Actually, I am in fact working on a fly pattern that I hope will duplicate the sensuous allure of a plastic worm. I'll post a picture as soon as I work out the details and tie one. 8)

Hmm..., I just re-read your post. Large-cut chenille hanging off the back-end, eh? I'll have to try that too. 8)

Adam Grace
05-11-2005, 09:34 PM
I tubed my lake today for the first time. I caught about fifteen bass on a #2 chartreuse clouser. I caught some more bass on the surface with my foam #8 poppers with only 2 bluegill during sunset. The bluegill were not the huge ones. I hope the weather warms up tomorrow so that Friday will fish well for the huge gills.

Here's hoping for a warm day to warm up the water and surface activity!.

05-11-2005, 09:49 PM
OK guys,..... Here's a question for you.... With all of the plastic/silicone involved in each, is there any real difference between a plastic worm and a Calcasieu Pigboat :?: :?: :?: Or, for that matter an Andy Burk Bass Flash pattern :?: :?:

At any rate, I've gotcher plastic worms right here.... :P :P :P . (and I intend on fishin' 'em at Mather Pond 8) 8)

05-11-2005, 10:00 PM
Oh nooooo, not Darian too. . . . :shock: :lol:

05-12-2005, 06:37 AM
Just for the record Mike N. showed me a worm he tied using some kind of crystal chenille. That thing looked way cool. Maybe if he reads this thread he will enlighten us all to the pattern. He promised me a couple the next time we get out but we haven't gotten out with the weather and the flows. Mike if you're listening a picture of your worm would be great!

05-12-2005, 07:24 AM
MSP and Hairstacker...DO! DO! DO! get some LARGE purple(sparkly)chenille/vernille. Burn the end and attach to hook shank. The head/thorax area can be anything you want it to be...Maybe even put on a Red Cone Bead, something to weigh it down...You can even tie is a weed guard...Now, I haven't tied one cuz my local fly shop is on back order for LARGE purple chenille...

As far as fishin' in general...My father taught me how to thread a hook with a night crawler and I can still remember watering the lawn in the late summer afternoon as a child and coming out after dark with a flashlight to hunt for the 'crawlers. If a person wants to throw on a bobber and red wiggler that's OK...afterall, when you're on the water you're away from the rat race...THAT'S what is imporant!!!

P.S. Adam, you're killin' me with your fish stories! Aren't you supposed to be studying??? Geez!
Later, Thom.

Adam Grace
05-12-2005, 10:35 AM
Thom, the fall semester has not started yet. I'm trying to get in all the fishing that I can before then.

Don't be to jealous because I still have yet to catch any bass over 3lbs. I tried yesterday with the #2 clouser buit all I seemed to do was agrivate my wrist. I need to let it rest today so that I will be in tip top shape for Friday.