View Full Version : Blueback bugs

Mark Kranhold
02-21-2013, 04:40 PM
Time for me to switch rods and fly boxes! 4wt. spey + soft hackles = Bluebacks. These are some of my favorite Steelhead to catch in the American. I will throw in a couple Fry and Sculpin patterns as well. I remember a few years ago landing a 29" around the end of March beginning of April on a size 12 tan soft hackle. Maybe i will be lucky and hook into a early spring Striper swinging a Fry or Sculpin:p 66086609661066116612

02-21-2013, 05:50 PM
Very nice collection Mark! That sculpin is sexy. Is it articulated?

Mark Kranhold
02-21-2013, 09:04 PM
Thanks Jay! Yes it is articulated, I used the fish skull shanks. This was my first time using them, I usually use the waddington shanks. But I tell you what, it is going to move like mad. Being able to slide a hook directly on the loop end of the shank lets that stinger hook pivot back and forth sweet!!! Can't wait to give this one a swim, should swim & pulsate in the currents like the real deal:D

02-21-2013, 09:48 PM
If you send me one I'll post the smallies I catch with it ;) ;):) If this God forsaken place ever thaws out.

02-21-2013, 11:16 PM
Great looking flies. They'd look even better in one of Jays myrtlewood fly boxes.... :cool:

Jeff C.
02-22-2013, 08:58 AM
Mark, I caught this blue back a few years ago with a Surf Candy trying for shad in April. I thought I had caught my first shad of the season and was disappointed that it was a steelhead. Jeff

Fish Guru
02-22-2013, 02:50 PM
]This silly fly has accounted for all of the spring steelies that I've ever caught on the American. It's so beat up that I practically have to lather on the floatant, but when they are visibly feeding it would get hit everytime. Even got a 10+ lb Natomas escapee on it once. I need to tie up some duplicates but laziness gets the best of me for things like this. I've had some takes on other flies but something about this one in particular seems to get em every time.

here's a few of the results:

Smitty Fish
02-22-2013, 03:32 PM
Got this hatchery fish last fall on a soft hackle. 6625

Mark Kranhold
02-22-2013, 08:20 PM
Hey Jay, send me a PM with your address and i will send you a Smallie care package. Darian, those bugs would look sweet in Jays wood box:D Thanks! He does some pretty incredible wood work. Nice fish Jeff! But i wouldn't be disappointed that it was a Steelhead, I would take a Steelie over a Shad any day. Hey FishGuru, that third shot of those Steelhead is a fine sample of a Blueback! That is one clean looking fish! Nice going Smitty Fish, isn't it nice to swing a small fly on a dryline and get hooked up:thumbsup: Nothing better! Here is a fish i got in August. The color of this steelie blew me away, not a blemish on it...freakin Beautiful fish! This one was on the Sculpin Diet that evening! Thanks for sharing guys!66326633

03-01-2013, 03:50 PM
Mark. your flies arrived today and they are drop dead gorgeous. I suddenly am more excited for spring than Ive been in a long time! I was going to pm you but I prefer to thank you in public. These flies are VERY well tied and you gave me 4!!!! I am humbled my friend!


Mark Kranhold
03-01-2013, 08:19 PM
Jay, you got em'! Great and thank you for your comments! I love tying bugs, so when you mentioned how the Smallies would like them I thought this would be a perfect way to show my appreciation for your contribution you share to this board. Your beautiful photography and stories about wildlife at your new home, and now your wood working craftsmanship skills. My favorite...saving the Red Tail! Good for you and i hope it thaws out soon so you can wet that line. Thanks, Mark

03-04-2013, 10:03 PM
You guys got me all excited about fishing "Blue Backs" so I decided to tie some flies. This my favorite "Blue Back" pattern !!!6664
Just having fun. :cool:
I will be out searching for smolt killing stripers for the next few weeks. Give me a call if you can sneak out.

03-05-2013, 05:49 AM
You guys got me all excited about fishing "Blue Backs" so I decided to tie some flies. This my favorite "Blue Back" pattern !!!6664
Just having fun. :cool:
I will be out searching for smolt killing stripers for the next few weeks. Give me a call if you can sneak out.

Ooooh. I want me six of them too :) :) :) :)

Mark Kranhold
03-08-2013, 12:32 PM
Nice tie there Hatch! I will definatly give you a call if I can sneak out. Thanks! I miss that Striper grab! Need to get my boat in working order to start hammering the American again.