View Full Version : Long Belly Lines

James C
08-25-2012, 03:16 PM
Hello everyone. I wanted to ask if anyone has any suggestions for long belly lines these days? I'm looking at the Nextcast Fall 75, the Airflo Delta Long, and the CND GPS. I'll be matching it to my Beulah 13'6" 8/9. I fish Scandis and Skagits for Steelhead, summer through winter, but want to learn to cast long bellies to improve my stroke and timing.
James C

08-25-2012, 09:07 PM
Hi James, I am a fan of the Nextcast lines. I use the Winter authority, the head length is 53' with a 12' tip. This mid belly length I think is a good transition from the short to the long lines.I use this line on my Beulah 13'-8" wt.
I would talk to Doug Duncan at Kienes and see if you could try some lines before you buy.I cast with a guy who just got a lesson from him and he said it was excellent. I all so think casting a long belly line with any rod under 14' will take more effort to learn. Best of luck to you.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
08-25-2012, 09:37 PM
We have the Nextcast Fall 70 #8/9 head in stock.

We have the Airflo Delta Standard length line 8/9 in stock.

We might have a CND 8/9 but would have to check.

We have the discontinued Rio Windcutter II on sale now.

We think most are better off to start with the shorter rods and shorter heads but then after some time they can move to longer rods and longer heads....

Seriously these are great lines and Doug Duncan at our shop is a long line tournement caster who can help you with it.

Doug is at the shop tomorrow on Sunday and Monday right now.

Idaho steel
08-26-2012, 09:49 AM
Of the three lines you mentioned, the fall favorite 70 is far and away the best. The delta long is a decent line, but it's not as punchy as either the CND or Nextcast lines. The CND GPS is a great line but has a weak tip compared to the Nextcast.

Once you establish a solid skill set with a mid length line like these, shooting heads are child's play by comparison. I'm not trying to be deliberately contentious here, but in my experience, short and mid belly spey lines are no harder to learn than shooting heads, provided (and here's the kicker) that you get some competent instruction. The difficulty in "going longer" is unlearning all those bad habits that are pretty ingrained by now. I speak from experience.

James C
08-26-2012, 08:23 PM
The difficulty in "going longer" is unlearning all those bad habits that are pretty ingrained by now. I speak from experience.

That's exactly why I want to start casting long lines.

Rick J
08-27-2012, 03:18 PM
Idaho Steel has a point but I would not call them bad habits - just different habits - casting strokes for short bellies and long bellies are much different and it requires learning a new set of muscle memories to go either direction - someone who is an experienced long belly caster will struggle to cast short belly lines just as vice versa.

Don Powell
08-27-2012, 08:01 PM
What a blessing it has been to live on the west coast for the last 25 years!
I have met talented fishermen who were generous enough to share knowledge about the techniques they loved most...
As a result I possess way more rods and lines than I can use in any given year...
But, let me tell you, it has been a most wonderful and fulfilling experience to learn the techniques and go to places where those techniques take fish even if I have to budget time and expense to get to those places maybe once every three to five years.
Much of the enjoyment begins with dreams, practicing, planning and ultimately getting to do it!
I enjoy my work but when it is all said and done, the four weeks I spend fishing is what enables me to work the other forty-eight!
Work at it, master the long belly and move on to the next rewarding chapter...
All the lines within a genre are designed with a specific purpose in mind...
I agree the Nextcast lines are the most fishable for someone new who wishes to get in the game but I also own and can fish CNDs and Delta Longs.
Talk to the experienced fishers who fish where you want to fish- they know what line is capable of delivering the best flies for that water...

James C
08-29-2012, 07:19 PM
Thanks everyone for all your insight. It's great to be able to throw it out there and get so much good information back. This forum is fantastic. I just ordered a Nextcast Fall 70 from Kiene's. Can't wait to cast it tomorrow!
James C