View Full Version : Fly or not to fly....

03-13-2012, 12:25 AM
When does a fly stop being a fly and start a becoming a....lure? Honestly, IDGAS. Smallie's are grabb'n them so I'm Tying/building. Intermediate and OBSF, these "things" catch fish!!! FYI- Store bought Todd's Wiggle Minnow in pictures below plus one of my thicker longer minnows for comparison.


Bob Scheidt
03-13-2012, 07:05 AM
Fine line here. I guess you could say a fly is a fly when there is no metal in it, except for the hook. That leaves out beadheads and anything with a propeller. I also call an indicator a bobber. When I fish 2 flies, a dry and a dropper, the dry is a bobber with a hook. A guy once told me, while fishing Davis, "that the fun is when something is tugging on the end of your string. You can be picky if you want about how it gets there."

By the way, are saddles becoming available again??

Mike O
03-13-2012, 07:19 AM
You were correct when you acronymmed (made that word up) IDGAS..

As long as the fishies like it

Adam Grace
03-13-2012, 08:37 AM
I agree, as long as your "artificial" fish attractor works and you can send it out to the fish with a fly rod then who cares, lol.

I would say that as long as there is no fully formed plastic body and that thread is used as a bonding agent for the majority of the components of the "artificial" then I would consider it a "fly" ;)

03-13-2012, 09:07 AM
Seems like this question comes around every few years when it's cold/wet/windy outside. :neutral:

In the prior thread, "Playin' With crawfish", the pattern presented has a foam carapace, ultra suede claws, lead eyes and a synthetic body material (Estaz). The feathery material involved is minimal. Thread is used to tie in some of the materials, others are glued onto the thread base. I referred to it as a fly but I don't really believe it is.... :neutral:

Doesn't much matter, tho. If it catches fish I'm gonna be happy.... ;)

03-13-2012, 12:34 PM
I agree, as long as your "artificial" fish attractor works and you can send it out to the fish with a fly rod then who cares, lol.

I would say that as long as there is no fully formed plastic body and that thread is used as a bonding agent for the majority of the components of the "artificial" then I would consider it a "fly" ;)

These two sentence's are completely contridicting. I say this because I some what agree w/ the first one. As long as your not puttin bait on the hook....i find it ok. But this is coming from a converted spin-head.

This summer if I cant find any flies that work as good as plastics for large mouth you can guess what im doin. Plastics on a fly rod....I dont need to cast far to catch 2-5lbrs all day :)

Adam Grace
03-13-2012, 02:02 PM
The first sentence was a generality for everyone, the second was my own opinion/definition.

rusty fly
03-13-2012, 08:23 PM
flies are lures

03-13-2012, 09:37 PM
Put the foam on a dremmel and taper it down to create a taps bug.

It works and works well...

Mike O
03-14-2012, 11:11 AM
I can and have casted flies with a spinning rod, have trolled them with downriggers as well for Kokes. Don't feel the need to have a fly rod to call it flyfishing...but this has all been rehashed before

And speaking of dremels?..



03-15-2012, 12:13 AM
Rolled a few.



03-15-2012, 09:03 AM
Good looking flies and, apparently, easily made. I like 'em. Haven't used one, so far, but I'm assuming that it's a floater/diver.... Hmmm, new bug to make. :D

03-15-2012, 09:18 AM
Not as easy as it looks. Getting these larger bugs to dive has been the challenge. With the much larger body diameter I've had to lead rap the hook to help off set the floatation. The largest of the group will need a 300-350 grain F & 9-10 wt rig.