View Full Version : Getting New Switch Rod, YA!

Frank Roepke
10-13-2010, 08:27 PM
I am getting a new Switch rod Friday!!!! Yes!! :D

Andy was kind enough to let me try out the Echo 5wt out in the lot. I can’t believe how strong the rod is, and Heavy!
Andy recommends I try the Redington 5wt Friday, it not as heavy. I prefer fast action rods over slow for single hand. Not sure if that will be the same for a switch rod.
I have not tried a lot of swing fishing, but really enjoy Nymphing with indicator.
Also I will take lessons on Spey casing soon after purchase.
American, Truckee, and delta will be primary waters fished with the rod.

Any recommendations would be great.



Bill Kiene semi-retired
10-14-2010, 06:21 AM
Great Frank

You might see if you can get down to the Lower American River with 'Jeff C' or Andy one day and see them using a Switch rod Spey casting for Half-pounder Steelhead.

10-14-2010, 06:43 PM
I'd also recommend Jeff Putnam for a spey casting class. Phenomenal teacher and great guy too!

Also if you head to Watt during the evening there seems to be speycasters there all the time.

Frank Roepke
10-14-2010, 10:38 PM

Andy has been great helping me pick out a rod. I have casted a few rods out in the lot, I am going with the Beulah 4/5. I plan on calling Andy after I leave work; I left him my reel so he can get it set for me in time for an evening fish on the American. Can’t Wait. Then off to the lower Sac for Saturday.
You have a great team at your shop, I always feel welcome and there experience is top notch!

Thank you very much!


Bill Kiene semi-retired
10-15-2010, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the support Frank................