View Full Version : Text of H.R. 2055: To establish a Salmon Stronghold

Dustin Revel
04-28-2009, 11:16 PM
Check out this bill introduced by mike thompson... I'm skeptical of a bill of this nature introduced by a congressman who's wealthiest constituents are water thirsty polluting vineyard owners. I hope his intentions are good.


04-29-2009, 12:29 PM
May be too early to tell what this bill will end up like. As it's written, it looks like a bunch of good sounding words but take a close read of sections 10 thru the end. Limitations appear stronger than the intent of the positive provisions.... :confused:

04-30-2009, 08:45 AM
HR 2055 is in response to the Senate's S.817 The Pacific Salmon Stronghold Conservation Act of 2009. S.817 is the bill with much more weight behind it and is written in a way that actually protects salmon in rivers like the Smith, Illinois and Wenatchee Basin. HR 2055 is a "watered" down version that would most likely allow current neglectful practices to continue.