View Full Version : Lower American Flow............

Bill Kiene semi-retired
09-07-2007, 08:50 AM
The river will be going down from 2000 to 1500 on the 11th, Tuesday.

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Date Time From (cfs) To (cfs)

9/11/2007 0800 2,000 1,950
9/11/2007 0900 1,950 1,900
9/11/2007 1000 1,900 1,850
9/11/2007 1100 1,850 1,800

9/11/2007 1200 1,800 1,750

9/11/2007 1300 1,750 1,700
9/11/2007 1400 1,700 1,650
9/11/2007 1500 1,650 1,600
9/11/2007 1600 1,600 1,550

9/11/2007 1700 1,550 1,500

Comment: Conserve water.

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For many years that 1500cfs is the low fall flow that is OK.

I prefer 2000 for fishing because the fish get a little spooky at 1500 but the wading is really easier then.

09-07-2007, 05:41 PM
Bill, I know you remember back in the 70's when the flow got down around 700 cfs one year. You could wade completely across the American in many places.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
09-07-2007, 08:46 PM
I think once in the 1960s they put it at 500 cfs for one day to work on something?

That is the day I was above water and it was like the fishing the Upper Sac.

It was waste deep all the way across.

Caddis were hatching and the 'Halfpounders' were bitting.