View Full Version : DFG Director Broddrick quits and...

Mike McKenzie
07-26-2007, 11:44 AM
goes to work for water interests. Ryan Broddrick's new job will be running the Northern California Water Association a group whose membership includes water users in the northern Sacramento Valley.

"On Broddrick's plate will include efforts to build more surface storage, continued efforts to protect fish and habitat along waterways, and integrating management of both surface and groundwater."

Read it here...

On the surface this doesn't seem "good" but it may turn positive..

The big question is who will our Governator replace him with????


07-26-2007, 01:03 PM
Interesting development.... As you've said, reality will set in when we find out who will replace Broddick.... If this appointment runs true to past patterns, the appointee will come from a special interest group related to property/water distribution or consumption. 8)

Count me paranoid, but is there a connection between the timing of this development and the article written by a farmer/water consumer and board member of a valley water distributor (mentioned in a post under the Conservation Forum on this BB) :?: :? :?

07-27-2007, 07:35 AM
I'm a bit surprised, as well. But, as the article says being undercut by the admin makes a tough job even worse.

I don't know why I am continually amazed at the shear number of water interests/groups in existence on this state. There must be hundreds . . . just amazing.

07-27-2007, 10:47 AM
Actaually, the number of those having water interests is probably more in the multiple of thousands. Since the courts have held that water is property, everyone having anything to do with water is a stakeholder.

Individual farmers and their associations, water districts, the Feds and every political subdivision of the feds 58 counties and all of the cities/townships), water developers, etc., ad nauseum. 8) 8)

Water rights in California represent some of the most complicated/intricate bodies of laws possible. :? :? :?