View Full Version : Don't Ever Do What I Just Did...

07-02-2007, 07:14 PM
I learned the hard way :crybaby:

I loaded my reel with orange backing to make it look cool, and then decided that I didn't like the way it was loaded - it was an uneven circle around the arbor. So being a perfectionist I decided to take it off and re-wind it.

Keep in mind my beloved SA GPX is attached and on the reel.

So instead of putting it on a spool or line card, I opted to lay it in sections on my couch. This ended up with the WORSE tangle I have ever seen. :x :x :x

Then, I pulled to hard trying to undo a tangle with 70 ft of flyline and probably 30 yards of backing and the backing sliced my line in a few places :crybaby:

I have never loved a flyline like I love my GPX - and its not even 5 months old...

I'm pissed. I lost 30 yards of backing and damaged my favorite line. Is there anything I can use to repair it??? There are a few minor nicks but one is deep, to the core. Luckily its in the back 20 feet of line...

Thanks in advance.

Adam Grace
07-02-2007, 07:25 PM
Try Aquaseal, if you can try using some "Cotol-240" to thin up the Aquaseal and to make it dry faster. Cotol-240 is made by the same manufacturer as Aquaseal in order to make the Aquaseal dry faster. You can find the Cotol-240 at most fly shops, for example Kiene's.

David Lee
07-02-2007, 08:04 PM
James -

Blow it off , it's just a flyline . 7 years ago .... I was going thru at least THREE per season , per outfit . Cut the Aquaseal w/ the cotol 240 (whatever the friggin' number is ...) 'till it's like water ....... dab it on and rotate until it is roundish . It'll take a dressing after drying and hold up fine .

Now for a raggin' - PATIENCE !! You catch bigger , fussier Trout than I ever could . Don't lose your grip when dealing w/ gear , just take your time . No more yankin' knots , just step away and take a deep breath (that one took me several years .... :evil: :evil: :evil: ) .

There , I've said it ..... I'm OK , you're OK .

David :D

07-02-2007, 08:21 PM
Blow it off , it's just a flyline
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You crack me up David, I hope to be able to wear out a fly line... IN MY LIFETIME!!!

James, If it makes you feel any better, I suffered a worse fate when I thought I was being crafty and laid the line out in long loops through a couple of rooms. When I reattached it and reeled it back on, I found that I now had a "3 piece" fly line. Seems the cat was in one of those rooms and decided the plastic was was more tempting that it could handle! I threw out the middle section and now sport an SA GPX in the 85 foot version with a crappy splice in it. It fishes just fine!

Live and learn man!!

07-02-2007, 08:42 PM
I learned the hard way :crybaby:

I loaded my reel with orange backing to make it look cool, and then decided that I didn't like the way it was loaded - it was an uneven circle around the arbor. So being a perfectionist I decided to take it off and re-wind it.

Keep in mind my beloved SA GPX is attached and on the reel.

So instead of putting it on a spool or line card, I opted to lay it in sections on my couch. This ended up with the WORSE tangle I have ever seen. :x :x :x

Then, I pulled to hard trying to undo a tangle with 70 ft of flyline and probably 30 yards of backing and the backing sliced my line in a few places :crybaby:

I have never loved a flyline like I love my GPX - and its not even 5 months old...

I'm pissed. I lost 30 yards of backing and damaged my favorite line. Is there anything I can use to repair it??? There are a few minor nicks but one is deep, to the core. Luckily its in the back 20 feet of line...

Thanks in advance.

I just did the same thing last week !!!!!!!! :oops: :oops:

David Lee
07-02-2007, 08:50 PM
Awwwww .........

They wouldn't float , they wouldn't shoot , I stepped on them wearing Danner carbide spikes , I yanked them out of Blackberry thickets , I had mean ol' fishes take me under rocks and shred the first 10 feet , I broke one on a peice of metal on the strike.......

I was being crafty and laid the line out in long loops through a couple of rooms. When I reattached it and reeled it back on, I found that I now had a "3 piece" fly line. Seems the cat was in one of those rooms and decided the plastic was was more tempting that it could handle!

Been there , done that - my Cats have more fun w/ tying stuff . Fritz th' Cat LOVES Olive wool patches , don't ask me why . I'm crankin' Woolhead Sculpins out , turn to fetch said Wool ...... Fritz is runnin' down the hallway , big old eyes and all ...... I have to fetch the little shit out from under the bed and pry the patch outta his mouth .

Buy a spray bottle . It's fun even without a flyline on the floor :D :evil: :D :evil: :D :evil: :D :evil: :idea: :idea:

David ;)

07-02-2007, 08:58 PM
Ok, thanks guys. I feel somewhat better.

Which Aquaseal? I googled it and they have so many different types....

07-02-2007, 09:04 PM
Last time i bought some Sage fly line , i stepped on it with my carbide spikes boots and cut it half, the first time i used it . :roll: :cry:

David Lee
07-02-2007, 09:18 PM
Ok, thanks guys. I feel somewhat better.

Which Aquaseal? I googled it and they have so many different types....

It doesn't matter , just make sure its the smallest possible tube . Call your pals and see if anyone has the dinky tube that comes w/ a new pair of waders . You want the smallest possible 'cause once you open it , it's done . Putting that stuff in the freezer and thawing it in hot water is more trouble than it's worth .

(Brother Rob .... I feel your pain , since I've done that before . Come to think of it .... I've destroyed most kinds of gear in just about every way possible . Guess I'm graceful that way ....)

Live and learn . Destroy more stuff .... repeat .

David :thumbsup:

07-03-2007, 07:11 AM
Buy a spray bottle . It's fun even without a flyline on the floor :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:

Laser pointers will make' em crazy too!

07-03-2007, 12:41 PM
Cody boss ( owner of roundrock fly shop ) bought a new pontoon boat last Saturday and while putting it together he broke part of the oarlock , so he took a new part off one of the pontoons on display in the shop. While floating a small river the next day the borrowed part broke. :twisted: While on the river the water flow was lowered just after they put in and it was now too low to drift , so they had to pull the pontoons down river to the take out. :cry: He loaded the pontoon on top of his SUV and headed for home, the front strap came off , the pontoon flipped off his rack smashing into the road destroying the frame of his new pontoon. :twisted: Not a very good day !! :twisted: :cry:

07-03-2007, 04:37 PM
James, If it makes you feel any better, I suffered a worse fate when I thought I was being crafty and laid the line out in long loops through a couple of rooms

Nice to know I'm not the only one that does it that way. :lol: I string it through a few rooms upstairs, then down the staircase and around the living and family rooms. :lol:

Adam Grace
07-03-2007, 05:06 PM
You guys should really use your local fly shop to change out backing or lines, they have line winding machines that make everything like this much easier. I know that sometimes you don't have time or the opportunity to go to a shop but if you have the time your local friendly fly shop should help you for free. When I worked at Kiene's we used to swap lines and backing all the time for customers.

Gregg Machel
07-04-2007, 03:59 AM
Nice to know I'm not the only one that does it that way. :lol: I string it through a few rooms upstairs, then down the staircase and around the living and family rooms. :lol:

I've done that too, that made me laugh out loud when I read this. :)

Matt Steffens
07-04-2007, 07:10 PM
Thats a bummer man. But just a little while ago my SA rep gave me a new expert distance. I set it on my tool box while I was getting into my truck, and forgot it. A mile down the road I slammed on my brakes, realizing what i did, and went back to where it had happened. Found it there with my own tire treads over it! Bad Day that was... :(